Newsletter – September 2016


Harvest at Monte da Casteleja – Date change

We inform to all that the harvest which was having place on august 27th and 28th was postponed for Sunday, 4th September, at 08h00.
Meeting point in Monchique: 07h00 at the association’ headquarter.
If you are interested in participate contact us: 967 817 135 or
We remind you what you should bring to this activity:
-To the harvest: country clothes, gloves, boots, hat and sun cream;
-To the grape pressing: old clothes, short shorts and towel.

Cider production at Terra do Milho (date to confirm)

On the next Saturday, 10th September we will try our second experimental production of Cider, in Terra do Milho, Monchique.
The interested in participate should contact: 963 559 253 or
To this activity you should bring country clothes, hat and sun cream.
Meeting point: 09h00 at the association headquarters.

Picnic equinox with the Transition Group

We will have a picnic to celebrate the beginning of autumn on Sunday, 25th September at Caldas de Monchique. The picnic will start at 12h00.
Meeting point: 12h00 at Caldas de Monchique or 11h30 at the association headquarters.
Bring lunch and good mood!

Transition Group Meeting

On this month, the meeting will be on Sunday, 25th, during the equinox picnic at the Caldas de Monchique.

Reuse Books for Free

The office of Nossa Terra has a lot of books available for reuse. Come in, take what you like, and leave a donation. German/English/Portuguese available.

Transition Group Newsletter

To receive news from the Monchique Transition Group, as well as news from other Algarve groups, you can register on Google Groups “Transition Monchique”.
There’s a link to this group on the Transition Monchique website:

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